In large part due to the fact that Superintendent Michael Hinojosa was ACTUALLY THERE(!), ready to answer questions for as long as we had them. From what I hear, he has not been to the other District meetings thus far. Apparently, Mr. Parrott made it clear how important his presence was, and props to Hinojosa for showing up. I wish Mr Parrott had let everyone know that Hinojosa was going to be there--frankly, I would have shown up with better questions and I definitely think more people would have made it--but either way, we missed a golden opportunity, not only to get questions answered, but to show that we, the East Dallas community, are united and involved.
So today I am confused, not sure what to do to make people realize that we really do have power to change how things happen if we create a lot of noise involving lots of people across the school population. We can't complain about what we are being handed and then not show up when the conversation is started. I know in my heart we all want the best for our kids. That's not in question. I just believe that if he had seen an auditorium spilling over with concerned fired-up parents, it would have meant something. Or am I overreacting? Seriously want your opinion. Or is there something better I can do to get people involved again???
You are amazing for starting this blog and making the East Dallas family voices heard. So sorry there wasn't more of a turn out but never give up!
Hang in there, my friend. No one ever said this would be easy. On the other hand, few know the power of your determination to take the fight to them, for them, and with them.
Hey Erin- you asked for comments...but I will try to keep it shortish. We stuck it out in public schools through my son's fourth grade year. We have an exlempary elementary and had amazing teachers...but in the attitude of adminstration and these mandated "standards" just killed it. Riley was "fine," that is to say- he neither liked nor disliked school- but every ounce of effort and focus was to ensure that the children passed the minimum standards test. To me- that is not education. We moved them to private school and there is such a difference in both of their attitudes! They are developing a real love of learning and a desire to delve into things in a way there was never time for in public school. mind you- this is a diverse, free thinking school so we are lucky- but i guess the point to my rambeling is yes, we can make a difference- in time. Meanwhile what is happening to the kids without the options? Real change needs to come faster than politics is usually comfortable with. Have you see the documentay "the race to Nowhere"?
Farren, you bring up great points. Have not seen race to nowhere yet, but keep hearing about it. I have to say, I totally hear you--do you keep your kid in the public school system if you feel it is to their detriment? Obviously not, but then how are you to be a part of the solution???
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